Feelings Jars
Shockingly, 7 people living in a two bedroom apartment isn't always rainbows & gumdrops. So the kids thought it would be funny to make an "angry jar" - places where they could passive aggressively write notes about things/people that are blind raging them.
So we cleaned out a pickle jar. Then they drew a bunch of angry faces, and turned them into stickers with the girls' sticker machine. We left a pile of little papers and a pen by it. Then we cut a slit in the lid to deposit your feelings. The kids voted to hot glue the lid on with a "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2030" note on top. We figured 8 years is sufficient time for them to cool down/see a bit of humor in the things that enraged them in grade school.
Then they decided there should be an "Annoyed Jar" too - for when you are irritated but not on the cusp of dropkicking anyone.

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