Glitter & Paintbrush Costumes
The girls wanted to take drama class.
Because if there's anything two tween girls on the cusp of puberty need after 
a global pandemic, moving intoa  new house,
 and becoming part of a blended family of 7...
it's more drama.
But seriously, they did great. And they wanted to make their own costumes for their final showcase so I helped sketch out their ideas. Then we cut giant bases from cardboard and foam core and made them 3D using a butt ton of scrap paper and tape.
Eevee thought she was going to use 20 jars of glitter in my house.
I kicked her outside where she immediately recruited assistance.
They were indestructible and fabulous.
And their performance was 5 stars! 
Costume Ready
Costume Ready
Performance Night!
Performance Night!
Clean-Up Crew
Clean-Up Crew

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